Let Me Introduce Myself;

February 22, 2023

Where to start?

I was born in 1996 and am interdisciplinary to the core with a Master of Fine Art in Studio Art!

I am from South Portland, Maine who is now living her best life in San Diego, California!

Photography is the first medium I fell in love with that began at the age of 10 years old when my younger brothers were born...

I give all credits to my mother who captured moments in time with a point and shoot film, making them all physical objects through an album.

I have endless fond memories of flipping through pages, inspecting the details of each image to re-create the stories and emotions she had captured.

When my younger brothers were born, I took initiative to begin documenting their growth, and their infectious smiles, tears and more along with my own life.

I believe that our lives are monumental through all the highs and lows of this beautiful and contradicting world.

I feel confident classifying myself as a "documentary life-style" photographer because I love to story tell and not in the traditional sense.

Our environment have deep meaning, including the authentic way us humans function through life. This does not exclude the structure of our spaces and how we rearrange objects or even ourselves. I'm not here for that picture-perfect image, I want to capture all of the bits and pieces of chaos amongst the beauty because that's what the whole picture is about.

I am a pretty cut throat person, so to be honest, I don't care to know which side you think your worst side is. Please don't tell me, because I wont ask.

We could all learn how to deepen compassion for ourselves to love more authentically.

I'm not here for traditional, basic shit.

I'm here to capture the raw, authenticity because I love to story tell, YOU just being you, to have and share for years and generations to come.

SOO, that's it for now.
